Friday, 24 March 2017

I Have Some Explaining To Do

Some time this week I posted a pretty impromptu image saying I was taking time off my blog, without giving any explanation or reason why, for anyone who cares. Hahaha.

Now as most will know I'm in the middle of writing my first book and I began this blog to write on whenever I lost inspiration on my book or I had writers block, I didn't want to stop writing, so if I was going to be not writing on my book I would be writing on my blog, but more so on my book then this blog. It started that way, then 6 months passed and I hadn't touched my book. I was though posting regular blog posts and I actually found myself looking at stats, comments and views and that scared me because I didn't want that.

I love writing on my blog but I didn't want it to become as consistent in posts as it became. My blog is a little part on the internet where I can share my personal stuff, things that inspire me and where I could express my frustrations of writing a book, but that got lost and I want to get it back.

That's the reason behind the post I put up, I'm not quiting blogging, I'm not closing my blog down. I'm just taking it back to the simplicity it was when I started. I hope this makes sense, I'm not leaving the blogging community because it is pretty awesome and I have met some amazing people through it, I would be a fool if I was to leave, but for now I will be putting more focus on writing my book than writing on my blog.

Peace and Love x 


  1. Hope your book is going well! And we'll all be here waiting for your next post with the same amount of anticipation 😁

    1. It's going really well. Can't wait to start sharing some bits, lol I have a few scheduled that I did weeks ago so I'm going to space them out :)

  2. It's completely fine to take a blogging break, especially if you're focusing on your book! How exciting to be writing a book, think that definitely requires more attention haha :) Good luck with it all x

    Tiffany x

  3. Best of luck! Blogging is different for everybody - we don't all go about it/view it the same way and there's nothing wrong with that! You do you! x

  4. Simplicity is key! Glad to hear you are not leaving the blogging world and that is super exciting about your book :-)

  5. Hope your book goes well! I'd love to work on mine more but I'm in a total rut x
